
More than 100 children and teenagers have learned the basics of entrepreneurship at the Yep! Moldova - Money 101 Camp.

More than 100 children and teenagers have learned the basics of entrepreneurship at the Yep! Moldova - Money 101 Camp.

February 27, 2024

With over 250 registrations and more than 100 participants already starting their own small businesses, like selling lemonade, handmade crafts, babysitting, waiter services, event organizing, and art workshops - these are the results of the 5th edition of  Yep! Money 101 - Startup Summer Camp, which took place from July 3rd to July 7th at Artcor. The camp brought together teenagers aged 13 to 16 from various locations in Moldova, including Anenii Noi, Căușeni, Chișinău, Dondușeni, Hîncești, Ialoveni, Orhei, Strășeni, Ungheni, as well as young people from Ukraine temporarily residing in Moldova. Money101 is, on one hand, about financial education, SMART goals, budgets, income sources, and negotiations, and on the other hand, about entrepreneurship.

During the five days, the young participants received mentorship, inspiration, workshops, and worked in teams. With the help of six mentors, they formed 11 teams and developed their own products from ideas to implementation.

At the camp, they learned how to set financial goals, save money for important things, manage expenses independently, create a business plan, negotiate, and gain self-confidence through self-discovery and organization.

"Yep! Money 101 - Startup Summer Camp" was designed based on summer camps in Europe, offering children and teenagers training on multiple subjects, with an inspirational, theoretical, and practical approach.

Viorica Cerbușca, Founder of Yep! Moldova: "We had a full room every day of the camp. The young participants were engaged, passionate, and worked with enthusiasm and great interest, which brings us immense joy. We are also glad to have had such a diverse group, including teenagers from Ukraine. We will have a new generation of entrepreneurs to be proud of."

Teia Procopie, a graduate of Money10 Startup Summer Camp: "One issue I care about is the suffering of animals during hot weather and winter. I want to raise awareness in the community about sterilization, providing water, and adopting stray animals. With the negotiation and storytelling skills I learned, I can convince more people to contribute to our community. I also received an award for promoting the camp on social media, which gave me confidence to attract resources for social projects and create income-generating products. I know there is still much to learn, but am grateful to the Yep! Moldova team for this opportunity"

The "Money 101 - Startup Summer Camp" provided training and practical work for young people. The project was implemented by A.O. Generația Nika and Yep! Moldova, with support from UN Women and funding from the Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund.