
UN Women and Yep!Moldova have launched a program to support women in business - "Ellevator. Level up Women Accelerator"

UN Women and Yep!Moldova have launched a program to support women in business - "Ellevator. Level up Women Accelerator"

February 27, 2024

This program is designed for women-led businesses that have participated in previous pre-acceleration programs developed and supported by UN Women. The program's goal is to elevate women-led businesses from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to a new level of development, including expanding into foreign markets.

The post-acceleration program will involve businesses aiming to enhance their products/services, implement innovations, streamline business processes, access new markets, and identify new customers. Additionally, the project will focus on developing digital skills and leveraging new technologies to enhance business competitiveness.

The program lasts for 3 months and includes:

- Entrepreneurial education bootcamps

- Mentoring sessions

- Assessment of business development needs

As a result, a minimum of 10 businesses will benefit from vouchers for equipment procurement and/or development services worth up to 60,000 MDL. The project aims to cover all regions of the Republic of Moldova to create equal opportunities for women from across the country to access education and financing.

This initiative is in response to an analysis of 2022 statistics, revealing that out of the total entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova, 66.1% are men and only 33.9% are women. Among them, male owners constitute 64.8%, male co-owners - 74.4%, male managers - 62.9%, female owners are 35.2%, female co-owners - 25.6%, and female managers - 37.1% (source:

The situation has been exacerbated by the war caused by Russia in the neighboring country. Hence, women in Moldova and Ukraine who wish to enhance their business skills will benefit from courses, mentoring, and support in managing and promoting their businesses.

Registrations are open until September 8th, on this link: .

"It's important to encourage women to start businesses as it offers a path to enter the workforce and achieve financial autonomy for themselves and their families. The numbers show that women entrepreneurs not only judiciously utilize the support they receive but also amplify it, benefiting society and the community through the taxes they pay. Beyond the numerical aspect, they also bring added value, translating into investments in children's education, social enterprises, and contributing to the development of fellow women. We firmly believe that women excel in business, and UN Women will continue to support women entrepreneurs," stated Dominika Stojanoska, the UN Women Moldova Country Representative.

Viorica Cerbușca, founder of Yep!Moldova: "From 2017 until today, hundreds of entrepreneurs, both men and women, have passed through our incubators and projects. We have women and young people who innovate and create products and services that the whole world should know about. Our mission is to assist these talented individuals in their growth."

The program is implemented by Generația Nika and Yep!Moldova, with UN Women's support and funding from Sweden.