
Young people in Moldova actively embraced Startup101 Entrepreneurship School.

Young people in Moldova actively embraced Startup101 Entrepreneurship School.

February 27, 2024

After an intense week of learning, the third edition of Startup101 Entrepreneurship School concluded. From November 13th to 17th, young individuals aged 14 to 19 from the Republic of Moldova had the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial thinking and learn how to turn ideas into sustainable businesses within an engaging online program.

During 5 days, Startup101 offered over 1300 participants from 290 institutions the chance to explore the world of entrepreneurship. Students learned and explored topics of non-formal education, including future skills and professions, the startup concept, scalable idea development, design thinking, marketing, management, and oratory.

International participation. This year, the school welcomed young participants from 228 localities and 8 countries, including Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Italy.

“We are overwhelmed by both the number of participants and their involvement and desire to attend sessions. We had entire classes of students connecting every evening, along with their teacher, to the startup and entrepreneurship lessons. We believe that the impact of this experience will be seen over time, and we are honored to contribute to the growth of a new generation of young people with an entrepreneurial thinking”, said Viorica Cerbușca, founder of Yep!Moldova.

Daily learning. Each of the program's five days saw between 300 and 700 boys and girls connecting to online lessons, absorbing knowledge and gaining curious experiences about entrepreneurship and business management.

“This entrepreneurship school has been a true adventure that brought me a lot of knowledge. I consider that in these days, I learned as much as others in months or years.” mentioned Margareta Țurcan, a Startup101 participant.

Exceptional mentors. The young participants met 15 mentors who develop successful businesses and advise startups worldwide.

“I feel lucky to have access to your experience and wisdom. In every meeting, I felt your sincere support and authentic desire to help me evolve. (...) You are extraordinary models and mentors, and your work not only influences those you directly guide but creates a chain of positive changes that spread in our community”, said Josu Efim, another Startup101 participant.

Persuasion awards. In the end, participants were encouraged to convince the jury in a 3-minute video on "How can I achieve financial independence by leveraging my own talents?". Evaluation criteria, focused on originality, ease of implementation, scalability, presentation, and argumentation, will form the basis of selecting 3 winners in each age category: 14-15, 16-17, and 17-18 years. They will receive Startup Kits and special prizes from the organizers. The 3 winners in the 18+ category will also be rewarded with tickets to the Young Entrepreneurs 2024 camp organized by Startup Wise Guys.

Startup101 - the school of entrepreneurs, is a non-formal education program developed by AO “Generația Nika” and implemented by Yep!Moldova, in partnership with UN Women Moldova, with the financial support from Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund.